Jo Jo Neon - Somerset Open Studios 2016

Having always shared a love of neon brights, creativity and interior styling, together myself and fellow neon friend Jo Norman (of Somerset Creative), decided to team up and collaborate under the name 'Jo Jo Neon' and take part in Somerset Open Studios.

Jo Norman, art teacher and designer, had been wanting to head back to her creative roots producing neon silk screen prints and accessories depicting linear observations of the ordinary. Over the past few months we would meet for creative chats and brainstorming sessions before deciding how to create our collaborative neon accented design debut for Somerset Open Studios. The idea being this would mark the start of our creative partnership as Jo Jo Neon.

The Jo Jo Neon Studio

The Jo Jo Neon Studio

With an emphasis on neon art pieces and interior accessories, Jo Jo Neon offers a fresh and affordable lifestyle look. In addition to our neon emporium, we offered silkscreen printing workshops and pom pom making sessions for children and adults alike.

Somerset Open Studios was a great event to be part. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported us. Watch this space....the word is on the street there might be a Jo Jo Neon Noรซl this year!


